Maths for early years

Wall clock in Welsh, Cloc CA2 barod i lamyneiddio
Arddangosfa cloc am eich dosbarth. Addurnwch eich cloc ddiflas fel ei fod yn adnodd ar gyfer gwersi Mathemateg.
Barod i lamyneiddio a gosod fel y llun.

Equivalent fractions fun introduction game (1/2 and 1/3)
My new thing in class is not to introduce work but rather start at the end, with a quiz. Can they remember what they’ve learnt previously? Can they discover the concepts on their own? Let’s guess / infer together? We can get it wrong, but let’s try. (Metacognition)
This fractions game isn’t straight forward. The halves are pictured as 3/6, 2/4 etc. so this would be the next step on from simply naming fractions. It’s an introduction to equivalent fractions (1/2 and 1/3).
The game is interactive, with the aim of popping all of the bubbles. Press a bubble to choose a question. Press the correct answer on the question slide and you return to the question screen with your bubble popped. Press a wrong answer and it simply shakes. Keep going until you choose the correct one.
You can keep a record of the scores when the presentation is active by typing them in yourself on the question screen. It is also possible to name the teams in the same way.

Calendar questions – Fun group work cards, reasoning with time
Develop Mathematical Reasoning with these calendar questions.
Learning from each other in group work goes a long way when tackling the range of abilities and knowledge when dealing with facts associated with time.
Answers can be recorded as photographs with counters to prove their learning if necessary.
Instructions - Arrange the class into 10 or less groups. Each group has a set of calendars. Questions are place in different places in the classroom. Groups are given different starting numbers. Teacher stays close to question 6 as they might require assistance. The task can be timed. First group to complete all correct answers wins(?)

Connect 4 addition.
5 connect 4 games to print and laminate. Sums developed to promote and develop addition, braking the tens barrier. The sums begin with 1 digit + 1 digit and progress up to 3 digit + 2 digit numbers.

100 number bonds scales ppt and missing numbers worksheets
10 paged Powerpoint to find the missing weight that makes 100g each time. Created to introduce missing digits and mathematical reasoning skills.
The connection should be made between the weights and a missing digit sentence e.g. 35 + __ = 100. It also enables you to compare 100 = __ + 35 and the validity of both.
I recommend that you use my Mr 100 to find the 100 number bonds, but then I would!

Coin dominoes, Money, 0-10p and 0-20p
Ready to print and laminate.
There are two sets of dominoes, one with dominoes 0 - 10p and another with dominoes 0 - 20p.

Number fans and also numicon, dice, 2D shapes 3D shapes, coins and fractions
8 different versions of fans ready to cut out and laminate. Both have sets in colour and also with a white background.
Coins include the new £1 coin.
If you have any other ideas / requests please place in the comments.